Body Contouring Services in Novi, MI
At Facey Stacey, we’re often asked about the difference between “body sculpting,” and “body contouring.” While the two terms share a lot, the difference boils down to this: sculpting is about creating shape. Contouring is about maximizing those shapes. Once you have the curves you want, it’s time to sharpen them. And with the FDA-approved Venus Legacy™ body contouring device, solidifying your va-va-voom has never been easier.

How Body Contouring Works
Rapid tissue or muscle growth can result in stretch marks, while rapid weight loss leaves sagging skin in its wake. If you’re at or near your target body goals, or if you’ve used body sculpting to achieve your desired curves, you may discover a softer edge to your new shape. Body contouring can sharpen that edge, creating even more defined curves.
The Venus Legacy device uses skin-safe, multipolar radiofrequency (RF) energy to heat fat and skin non-surgically. RF waves are absorbed as heat deep in your skin and fatty tissues. This heat supercharges localized collagen production, comprehensively tightening skin in the treatment area for bolder curves and mind-boggling shape. Without scars, incisions, or even breaking the skin, the Venus Legacy body contouring treatment at Facey Stacey can highlight your hips, emphasize your thighs, or generally make your curves stand against any backdrop and in any outfit.
The Benefits
Rediscover Your Skin’s Youth with Body Contouring at Facey Stacey!
Skin laxity doesn’t have to be a permanent fixture of your body. Instead, let the professionals at Facey Stacey assist you in redefining your shape and tightening your skin with body contouring. We’ll discuss your expectations and desires before recommending a custom course of treatment with our Venus Legacy technology. If you’re tired of hiding your body in baggy clothes or being self-conscious of the fine lines and wrinkles that appear on your skin, reclaim your confidence and contact us today to schedule a consultation.